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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureApryl James


Updated: Aug 23, 2018

2 Corinthians 5:7 “For we live by believing and not by seeing”


My current Reality!!

So I needed to make some coins ,because I was about to finish my internship and transition into full time work, but there was going to be a month gap in this “transition” stage.

Your girl needed moneyyyy!!

God also gave me a promise of a job, a husband and basically a better life than what I was currently dealing with.

So I signed into to be a babysitter and weeks went by without getting any “bite”.

My story is something though… might be long but I know you will be blessed if you just hang in there.

One day, I was just hanging on my couch and my hand literally slipped unto my app and when I opened it ,I had a message! Woooooooyayyyyy. Like, listen, by this time it may have been a month and this seemed to just come in the right time.

I feel the need to pause for a min and just give you a brief summary of why this was so important.

I just completed my master’s degree program in Marriage and Family Therapy at Mercy College. I am originally from Trinidad and Tobago, I moved to NY for the sole purpose of school, getting this degree and getting out. I faced many trials throughout my program to align with the will of God for my life. Nothing was more annoying than never having enough money to finance my needs/wants lol.

My aunt was my main financier and soon after my mother helped out as well. I am a 26 year old human that was always very independent. Nothing seemed to irk me more than having to depend on a ‘parent’ for money and be a financial burden. Thankfully I got a scholarship during my program but it couldn’t begin to cover the cost of my daily commute to internship, food, clothes and just general living. Due to my student-visa status, I was only able to get jobs that were “off the books”, which proved a challenge in itself. So here I was, finally finished and I was so determined to land a job/career and begin making some money on my own, so I can move out and get my own apartment among-st some of the other promises God and I had.

So it is at this point the story picks up and this message comes in from Sitter city and it is a beacon of hope! A light in a dark tunnel! An answer to a promise…..

I log in and I immediately responded with “yes ,I am definitely interested.” The parent sends me back a response stating GREAT!... here is my address , the name and ages of the kids and her phone number.

I was excited and happy; I simply wrote back, I will call you when I am on my way. Looking back now I am like wow, I am sure full of faith right? No pictures, no phone calls, no idea if this is a serial killer, just a promise……..

Days leading up to this meeting, as I began thinking about it more ,I realized that I could be walking into a trap of the enemy. I did not consult God before responding to the parent, I did not talk to the parent up to this point on the phone,I told my mother and my aunt and they were like ummmm no !why are you doing that?

Let me just tell you FEAR began to grip my heart because all I had up to this point was a promise………

I’m going somewhere saints /aints… stick with me!

The night before my baby sitting job after quoting 2 Timothy 1:7 countless times, and speaking to the anxiety that tried to rise up in me, I decided to listen to one of my spiritual fathers. His ministry has blessed my existence and I knew he always had a word in season.

Pastor William Mc Dowell’s message on “Prayer :THE LANGUAGE OF FAITH”


I fell asleep ¼ through the sermon and remembered waking up in a slight panic throughout the night of this daunting meeting. Of course many of you are wondering, why didn’t you just video called the lady.

Well up until this point …. I didn’t think about it, but thankfully, God reminded me … her …lol

I woke up the next morning ,also known as “D Day” of this big meeting ,feeling a bit shaky but at least I had a plan as to what I was going to do. I was gonna go to work ,video call her,if she doesn’t answer, I wont go. Amen ,seemed like a legitimate plan right?

I got to work and prepared my heart by reading the word,, and actually re-listening to pastor Mc Dowell’s message, this time, taking notes.

He begins by recalling the many signs of Revival that are happening all over the world and even in the bible , for example,when Elisha called down fire from heaven. This was all due to their faith in God!Their belief that nothing was too hard for him to do.

He then spoke on the fact that most of us hinder or block our own answers because of doubt and of course other important things like un-forgiveness and offences.

I was forced to ask the question am I blocking my own answers?

Interestingly enough ,God answered back immediately, which is the headline for this entire blog… “In case You Forgot” we live by believing and not by seeing!!!!!

How easy it was for me to accept this invitation to this woman’s house without physically seeing her, yet just holding on to a promise that she is, who she says she is, she will pay me what she said she will pay me, and she would do what she said she would do?

Oh boy!!!

I found myself now thinking that my own doubt to the original promises of God definitely has been blocking my promises….

I did not have the same faith ,that was required of me to just believe that God is who he says he is, he will give me what he said he will give me and he will do and perform all that he promised to do.

I saw his word, I heard his voice…. I put in my application to receive all that he has….. but I did not believe…. Or at least I stopped believing.

When we grab matters into our own hands, trying to do the work of God, it shows God that we don’t trust him like our words say we do. Even my failure to first consult God concerning this job showed that I was depending on myself.

“God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

I have a responsibility to ask, seek but most importantly BELIEVE!

Brethren, I don’t know what your situation may be but I encourage you today to remember the promise….

And don’t forget that we all live not by seeing but by believing!!!!


REMEMBER,its not always going to be an easy road ,but we can depend on our great leader and way maker
love always,


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